Tag: "Svyatoslav Vakarchuk"Tag: "Svyatoslav Vakarchuk" (1-4)
Vakarchuk Tells the Future of " Okean Elzy" Vakarchuk confessed to " TSN-Special" what music he's listening to in his car and from which alcohol he wouldn't refuse.
22 December, 18:30
Babkin and Shurov take part in new project of Vakarchuk In a new solo project of the leader of "Ocean Elzy" Svyatoslav Vakarchuk involved a former soloist of the group «5'nizza» Sergey Babkin and keyboardist of Esthetic Education (previously played in OE) Dmitry Shurov .
17 August, 13:34
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Nightingale's solo. Okean Elzy Just recently information that "Kyiv nightingale" Svyatoslav Vakarchuk began work on his new solo project became available. He Twitted about that:
29 July, 23:17
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Svyatoslav Vakarchuk financed the monument to Ivasyuk in Lviv It is planned to unveil the monument to Volodymyr Ivasyuk in Lviv this year. The monument is to be erected in the Shevchenko Avenue. The monument is financed by Svyatoslav Vakarchuk.
23 January, 21:50
Today We Celebrate
World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian