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Tag: "Ukraine"Tag: "Ukraine" (11-17)
  • Valentine's Day Gift from Ani Lorak! On March, 24th 2010, after Ukrainian concert tour (which included more then 20 cities of our native country), the national actress of Ukraine, Ani Lorak present her SUN program in Kiev.

    10 February, 16:18

  • Ani Lorak’s “SUN” program now on DVD! On March, 24th 2010, after Ukrainian concert tour (which included more then 20 cities of our native country), the national actress of Ukraine, Ani Lorak present her SUN program in Kiev.

    3 February, 18:02

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  • Croc swallows phone and starts ringing Workers at a Ukrainian aquarium did not believe it when a visitor said a crocodile swallowed her phone. Then the reptile started ringing.

    1 February, 17:35

  • Svyatoslav Vakarchuk financed the monument to Ivasyuk in Lviv It is planned to unveil the monument to Volodymyr Ivasyuk in Lviv this year. The monument is to be erected in the Shevchenko Avenue. The monument is financed by Svyatoslav Vakarchuk.

    23 January, 21:50

  • Ukraine to participate in the Eurovision-2011 first semi-final The representative of Ukraine to the 2011 Eurovision song contest isnominated to perform on May 12, during the first half of the secondsemi-final, which will be held in German city of Dusseldorf.

    23 January, 21:40

  • The 100% winner is...Eduard Romaniuta! Music video by Eduard Romaniuta " Berega" ( Shores) was recognised to be one of the best videos in 2010 according to the TV hit parade " Navsi 100".

    19 January, 16:37

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World Poetry Day

Today is the name day of:

Kuzma, Lev, Flavian