Music newsMusic news (71-80)
Zverev took off his pants Russian stylist Sergey Zverev undressed for PR of his new video.
17 August, 14:01
Babkin and Shurov take part in new project of Vakarchuk In a new solo project of the leader of "Ocean Elzy" Svyatoslav Vakarchuk involved a former soloist of the group «5'nizza» Sergey Babkin and keyboardist of Esthetic Education (previously played in OE) Dmitry Shurov .
17 August, 13:34
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Ponomarev's birthday. "Attention!" On August 9 National Artist of Ukraine Alexander Ponomarev celebrated his 38th birthday and a major celebration of which was planned on 12 August at the country restaurant "Partizan". For several years the singer has been organizing his birthday in certain styles. This year's party was held in military subjects.
17 August, 00:18
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Masha Sobko: "I'm not ready for Eurovision yet" After just one point separated Masha Sobko from the first place in the New Wave was the question whether the singer is going to perform at another Song Contest - Eurovision became natural.
12 August, 18:46
Shakhtar football players will become heroes of Gaitana's new video On August 14 players of Donetsk football team will take part in filming a new video of Ukrainian pop-star Gaitana.
12 August, 14:55
Participant of the duet "Alibi" is going to photograph professionally Participant of the duet "Alibi" Anna Zavalskaya going to master professionally the art of photography.
11 August, 13:09
Vakarchuk liked to be "stoned" Frontman of the band "Okean Elzy" was flattered by definition of "stoned" in his address.
11 August, 12:45
Ahutin betrayed Varum The singer Leonid Ahutin betrayed his wife Angelika Varum, while she was sleeping.
11 August, 12:22
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Sofia Rotaru celebrated her birthday On August 7th famous artist of USSR Sofia Rotaru celebrated her birthday.
11 August, 12:01
The soloist of RealO shocked with her naked breasts Soloist REAL O Alica Tarabarova flashed her naked breasts live on "Golden Gramophone Award".
11 August, 00:51
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World Poetry Day
Today is the name day of:
Kuzma, Lev, Flavian